Thanks to the Interstate Highway System it is now possible to travel across...
I think all those people I did stories about measured their own success by...
Since my retirement I've spent a lot of time trying to help the School of...
I had a little insight into life that most kids probably didn't have. My...
I can't say that I've changed anybody's life ever and that's the real work...
I don't have any well-developed philosophy about journalism. Ultimately it is...
When we become a really mature grown-up wise society we will put teachers...
You can find your way across this country using burger joints the way a...
Now that I look back on it having retired from being a reporter it was kind...
I can't remember a time when I didn't want to be a reporter. I don't know...
When I was a little boy I used to borrow my father's hat and make a press...
It was so much fun to have the freedom to wander America with no...
My mother at least twice cancelled our family's subscription to the...
The love of family and the admiration of friends is much more important than...
I suppose I was a little bit of what would be called today a nerd. I didn't...
It's best to leap into something you know you love. You might change your...
I saw how many people were poor and how many kids my age went to school...
I love myself. Anything that has my name I'm tickled to death.