I think that great poetry is the most interesting and complex use of the...
I think I'm a very good reader of poetry but obviously like everybody I...
I have always wanted what I have now come to call the voice of personal...
I don't like political poetry and I don't write it. If this question was...
From reading a previous answer you know that I consider all those aspects to...
Distinctly American poetry is usually written in the context of one's...
PC stuff just lowers the general acceptance of good work and replaces it with...
I'm perfectly happy when I look out at an audience and it's all women. I...
Because in fact women feminists do read my poetry and they read it often...
Still language is resilient and poetry when it is pressured simply goes...
I definitely wish to distinguish American poetry from British or other...
High and low culture come together in all Post Modern art and American...
But I don't think that poetry is a good to use a contemporary word venue...
But I am not political in the current events sense and I have never wanted...
American poetry like American painting is always personal with an emphasis...
I think that's what poetry does. It allows people to come together and...
I think one of the things that language poets are very involved with is...
Everyone young and old must have access to the knowledge and skills to participate in the evolving economy.