I love the idea of the teachings of Jesus Christ and the beautiful stories...
I have a much better relationship with the press than I did I think because...
But you know I have a pretty good relationship with the press and the...
Music has healing power. It has the ability to take people out of themselves...
I have no one to leave the money to. I'm a single man. I like spending my...
I used to get my money at the end of the week buy my mum something or buy a...
I have a lot of money stashed away but I do live my life from day to day.
I mean in some cases with libel laws you know they can write things about...
I loathe gardening but I love gardens and I have two beautiful gardens. I...
I love places that have an incredible history. I love the Italian way of...
I mean Sting is one of my great buddies and I love him to death.
And I trusted someone to look after me on the business side of life.
The whole point of being in this business and being blessed and being...
I've had an amazing professional life personal life but at 64 to have a son...
We live in an age in an era where there is so much negativity there is so...
And I'm afraid in this day and age trust which I count so you know I...
My Dad died during the flu epidemic in 1918 when I was 4 years old. He left a lot of classical recordings behind that I began listening to at an early age so he must have been a music lover.