One thing that makes France different from other countries is the tradition...
I want to initiate a change in society in the long term.
I am for a clear distinction between public and private life. I believe...
Before you I engage myself to serve my country with the devotion and the...
The transatlantic relationship is vital for both our countries: France will...
I could have made a fortune in cheeseburgers but I finally chose politics.
The United Nations will be at the heart of our international activities....
I attach the greatest importance to an amplification of the peace efforts in...
France after the month of May will share trust with the current leadership...
I know where I'm going and I have told the French. I am sure if hope is there...
I am proud to have been capable of giving people hope again.
In an election one needs both hope and audacity.
We are a big country with lots of advantages and history. We are proud to be...
We need the help of other member countries and leaders who like us want to...
Between France and Senegal there's a history. There's a language that we both...
That is now my mission: to provide a European vision of growth employment...
I don't want euro bonds that serve to mutualize the entire debt of the...
My adversary is the world of finance.
My real adversary has no name no face no party. It will never be elected...
We are near very near to an end to the eurozone crisis... The worst - in...
I want the French people to respect values that allow each individual to...
Each country has a soul and France's soul is equality.
An education program is by definition a societal program. Work should be...
I perfectly understood President Obama's attitude throughout the French...
If we took away women's right to vote we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president.