As great as Ed is the wisdom out here is that he can't carry a movie....
On the other side of that coin and far outweighing it is the fact that I've...
My stories are about humans and how they react or fail to react or react...
Ever since 'Lassie' and 'Old Yeller' I won't watch animal movies. Animals in...
Movies are about escape.
The guy that made me wanna make movies... and this is off the wall-is a guy...
People called '28 Days' and '28 Weeks' zombie movies and they're not! It's...
For a Catholic kid in parochial school the only way to survive the beatings...
I really liked the helicopter pilot in 'Dawn of the Dead' when he gets...
When I was old enough to go to movies alone I got to see 'Frankenstein' and...
I do have concerns about the current efforts to restructure our nation's intelligence community.