The things that inform student culture are created and controlled by the...
My art teacher in junior high was a very out gay man and a mentor to me.
My art teacher in junior high was a very out gay man and a mentor to me. He...
The dark comedies tend to be in a non-releasable area. There can be romantic...
I had never had a positive leading character - somebody that wasn't an...
I hadn't made a big-budget film and in Hollywood there's a sort of man and...
Gay marriage is the last bastion of to me... as a legal ceremonial...
When I was 14 I felt very rundown I had a home to go to but I felt like I...
Because I didn't have brothers I was always interested in the kids down the...
My family moved a lot as a kid. We started in Colorado where I lived for...
If I'm diagnosed with cancer I might become despondent but someone young...
There is a common theme though in the stories I have told which are...
I've told people who have just started to make a film that the one thing you...
With 'Good Will Hunting ' Miramax made certain the recruited audience wasn't...
Even when you're making a movie about life death is a presence and I guess...
Death Valley is really wide-open - it's bigger than Rhode Island - and it's...
If you don't have the story and the unfolding of the trajectory of the saga...
Do not try to push your way through to the front ranks of your profession do not run after distinctions and rewards but do your utmost to find an entry into the world of beauty.