Until democracy in effective enthusiastic action fills the vacuum created by...
Fascism is a worldwide disease. Its greatest threat to the United States will...
The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate...
If we put our trust in the common sense of common men and 'with malice toward...
What we must understand is that the industries processes and inventions...
The symptoms of fascist thinking are colored by environment and adapted to...
Their final objective toward which all their deceit is directed is to capture...
They are patriotic in time of war because it is to their interest to be so...
If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money...
There are probably several hundred thousand if we narrow the definition to...
A fascist is one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an...
Most American fascists are enthusiastically supporting the war effort. They...
We must not tolerate oppressive government or industrial oligarchy in the...
If this liberal potential is properly channeled we may expect the area of...
Monopolists who fear competition and who distrust democracy because it stands...
This dullness of vision regarding the importance of the general welfare to...
A liberal knows that the only certainty in this life is change but believes...
It has been claimed at times that our modern age of technology facilitates...
In the deregulated realm of US banking and finance crime does occasionally pay for its foul deeds not in prison time but by making modest rebates to the victims.