Look I eat really well and I work out but I also indulge when I want to. I...
I don't know why women feel an affinity with me.
I support women men anybody who is in a place that's not their strongest...
I think there are opportunities for women in comedies - how zany is up to them.
Women should stop going for the bad guys stop looking so far when the good...
One tradition I have with my friends is that when one of us gets married we...
I want to see friends more and travel more.
You know I've got wrinkles on my forehead and smile lines but what's wrong...
It's sad something coming to an end. It cracks you open in a way - cracks...
My parents' divorce left me with a lot of sadness and pain and acting and...
I don't have a religion. I believe in a God. I don't know what it looks like...
I think a good relationship is about collaboration.
A relationship isn't going to make me survive. It's the cherry on top.
People who avoid the brick walls - all power to ya but we all have to hit...
Parenting is one of the hardest jobs on earth.
There are a lot of movies that are unbelievable successes that I would be...
I have been pregnant in so many movies it's ridiculous.
What inspires you what excites you when you wake up in the morning?
Marriage brings up all the things I pushed to the back burner - the fears...
Marriage is wonderful.
I love that feeling of being in love the effect of having butterflies when...
Designing a house is like doing a movie: Once you're done you want to say...
I've gone for each type: the rough guy the nerdy sweet lovable guy and the...
I really am pretty happy with what God gave me.
Having photographed the landscape for a number of years and specifically working with trees and in the forest I found without consciously thinking about it that it was a great learning experience for me in terms of organizing elements.