There are now over 5 000 medical physicists in the U.S more than 50 times the...
I have devoted much time and energy to helping medical physics in developing...
I was the Chair of the first department of medical physics in a medical...
I am sure that I have been much more useful to society as a medical physicist.
Medical physicists work in cooperation with doctors. A few medical physicists...
Most medical physicists work in the physics of radiation oncology making sure...
Medical physics is an applied area of physics.
The growth of technology is such that it is not possible today for a nuclear...
When I entered medical physics in 1958 there were fewer than 100 in the U.S....
Many Nobel Prizes are awaiting good research to understand and explain the...
I am now almost certain that we need more radiation for better health.
The vegan diet is obviously lacking whatever essential nutrient it is that makes people likeable.