To the lover of wilderness Alaska is one of the most wonderful countries in...
There is that in the glance of a flower which may at times control the...
The gross heathenism of civilization has generally destroyed nature and...
In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.
I never saw a discontented tree. They grip the ground as though they liked it...
The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.
The mountains are calling and I must go.
How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains!
The power of imagination makes us infinite.
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
When we try to pick out anything by itself we find it hitched to everything...
God has cared for these trees saved them from drought disease avalanches...
Keep close to Nature's heart... and break clear away once in awhile and...
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread places to play in and pray in where...
Take a course in good water and air and in the eternal youth of Nature you...
The schools would fail through their silence the Church through its forgiveness and the home through the denial and silence of the parents. The new generation has to hear what the older generation refuses to tell it.