It's always wonderful to get to know women with the mystery and the joy and...
Grief changes shape but it never ends.
I mean I went to a Catholic boys' school for a year but that was to play...
When we talk about how movies used to be made it was over 100 years of film...
The truth is often terrifying which I think is one of the motifs of Larry...
You want to play another kind of character in another genre and it's been...
I had the classic 40 meltdown. I did. It's embarrassing. It was pretty funny....
I loved the material when I first read it and the experience of making the...
How do people relate to movies now when they're on portable devices or...
Falling in love and having a relationship are two different things.
I mean if you didn't get it or if you didn't feel like you enjoyed it...
The whole aspect of cinema and film festivals should be a moment to come...
I've been pleased to work with so many wonderful stars through the years....
When the people you love are gone you're alone.
Here comes 40. I'm feeling my age and I've ordered the Ferrari. I'm going to...
One thing is certain in business. You and everyone around you will make mistakes.