And most people have a woman in their heart most men have a woman in their...
Women stand for the objective world for a man. They stand for the thing that...
Success is survival.
I think the term poet is a very exalted term and should be applied to a man...
I always thought that poetry is the verdict that others give to a certain...
I never really liked poetry readings I liked to read poetry by myself but I...
Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well poetry is...
We used to play music for fun. Much more than now. Now nobody picks up a...
Music is the emotional life of most people.
Let judges secretly despair of justice: their verdicts will be more acute....
To every people the land is given on condition. Perceived or not there is a...
In dreams the truth is learned that all good works are done in the absence of...
As a little girl I used to daydream about my real father coming on a white horse to rescue me.