And as I've gotten deeper into the process of making films and television and...
To recover a spiritual tradition in which creation and the study of creation...
I'm sorry but I can't make a movie with the blonde from 'ER' who is starring...
I am a Westerner. We're not going to change the West by going East. The East...
Having a studio tell you when to jump and how high eight months of the year...
I turn a lot of stuff down - big big movies the kind I wouldn't want to go...
I'm really enjoying the process of learning to fly. How it will fit into my...
Creation is all space all time - all things past present and future.
But sooner or later I'd love to do a comedy. I mean I think that you know...
I don't think that fundamentalism has anything to do with Jesus Christ. They...
I'm an actor. I try to play a character in a really cool story the very best...
Do not confuse beauty with beautiful. Beautiful is a human judgment. Beauty...
Beauty saves. Beauty heals. Beauty motivates. Beauty unites. Beauty returns...
If you look closely at a tree you'll notice it's knots and dead branches...
A poem in form still has to have voice gesture a sense of discovery a metaphoric connection as any poetry does.