To expect alien technology to be just a few decades ahead of ours is too...
The birth of science as we know it arguably began with Isaac Newton's...
Traditionally scientists have treated the laws of physics as simply 'given '...
Cosmologists have attempted to account for the day-to-day laws you find in...
For me science is already fantastical enough. Unlocking the secrets of...
A permanent base on Mars would have a number of advantages beyond being a...
The origin of life is one of the great outstanding mysteries of science.
In science a healthy skepticism is a professional necessity whereas in...
Imagine a civilisation that's way in advance of us wants to communicate with...
Is there anything science should not try to explain? Science is knowledge and...
Clearly some creative thinking is badly needed if humans are to have a...
We will never fully explain the world by appealing to something outside it...
Science we are repeatedly told is the most reliable form of knowledge about...
Man-made computers are limited in their performance by finite processing...
Should we find a second form of life right here on our doorstep we could be...
Perhaps the best motivation for going to Mars is political. It is obvious...
The way life manages information involves a logical structure that differs...
Because if one is writing novels today concentrating on the beauty of the prose is right up there with concentrating on your semi-colons for wasted effort.