People are stunned to hear that one company has data files on 185 million...
A society that has more justice is a society that needs less charity.
Power has to be insecure to be responsive.
A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He...
The 'democracy gap' in our politics and elections spells a deep sense of...
Turn on to politics or politics will turn on you.
I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more...
The function of leadership is to produce more leaders not more followers.
The nation is faced with one of the most corporate-orientated anti-consumer...
Addiction should never be treated as a crime. It has to be treated as a...
President Reagan was elected on the promise of getting government off the...
Up against the corporate government voters find themselves asked to choose...
I once said to my father when I was a boy 'Dad we need a third political...
John D. Rockefeller wanted to dominate oil but Microsoft wants it all you...
Like sex in Victorian England the reality of Big Business today is our big...
I don't think meals have any business being deductible. I'm for separation of...
Your best teacher is your last mistake.
Every time I see something terrible it's like I see it at age 19. I keep a...
To say I drank my way into marriage isn't much of an exaggeration and it's none at all to say I drank my way out of it.