The only reason we make good role models is because you guys look up to athletes and we can influence you in positive ways. But the real role models should be your parents and teachers!
I don't like to read about myself whether it be positive or negative.
Facing the press is not easy but because you have to go you have to try to take a lot of positive things for yourself from these face-to-face meetings.
I presume that nobody will deny the positive aspects of the North American cultural world. These are well known to all. But these aspects do not make one forget the disastrous effects of the industrial and commercial process of 'cultural lamination' that the USA is perpetrating on the planet.
I'm an algebra liar. I figure two good lies make a positive.
I've always gotten a positive reaction to doing African-American characters.
I always figure from the cradle to the grave we all have our individual journeys and maybe my journey was a positive one and I accomplished certain things without stepping on too many toes.
That's what makes Linux so good: you put in something and that effort multiplies. It's a positive feedback cycle.
I had never had a positive leading character - somebody that wasn't an antihero or who wasn't more of a guy that you're supposed to be on the side of.
I just believe in the goodwill of people the power of people to do something positive.
African art is functional it serves a purpose. It's not a dormant. It's not a means to collect the largest cheering section. It should be healing a source a joy. Spreading positive vibrations.
I had many teachers that were great positive role models and taught me to be a good person and stand up and be a good man. A lot of the principals they taught me still affect how I act sometimes and it's 30 years later.
I had a really bad temper when I was growing up. Sport helped me channel that temper into more positive acts.
I just try to stay positive and focused on the tennis not let anything get to me like crazy questions. But I'm tough let me tell you tough as nails.
When you're a houseguest and you leave it's nice to straighten something up or send your hosts a useful gift. And when you leave the planet it's nice to have made a positive contribution.
I don't personally try to balance my work because I operate under the assumption that anyone reading or watching my stuff isn't having a particularly balanced day anyway. But negative attitudes just amuse me more than positive ones.
My incarceration was actually a positive thing from the beginning. I needed a gimmick to get my act going again it gave me material.
Why should conservationists have a positive interest in... farming? There are lots of reasons but the plainest is: Conservationists eat.
Flexible working is not just for women with children. It is necessary at the other end of the scale. If people can move into part-time work instead of retirement then that will be a huge help. If people can fit their work around caring responsibilities for the elderly the disabled then again that's very positive.
I don't think of myself as a role model. I do try to live in a compassionate considerate and positive way. The only advice I can offer is to find what you love to do find the joy in it and express yourself through your passion.
Conserving energy and thus saving money reducing consumption of unnecessary products and packaging and shifting to a clean-energy economy would likely hurt the bottom line of polluting industries but would undoubtedly have positive effects for most of us.
The simple act of paying positive attention to people has a great deal to do with productivity.
I'm a big cockeyed optimist. I try to accentuate the positive as opposed to the negative.
I think we all suffer from guilt at some point in our lives but for the most part I never really regret and I try to always remain positive. Yes I think that those issues are very interesting to play in a character and they're prominent issues in life and I think people can relate to them.
Music is an extraordinary vehicle for expressing emotion - very powerful emotions. That's what draws millions of people towards it. And um I found myself always going for these darker places and - people identify with that.