But I don't want massive layoffs of anyone - public or private. We are planning on shrinking government through attrition and reform not through random pink slips.
We must make it an imperative duty of our government to protect the gifts which Nature has bestowed on America and to insure the maintenance of a clean healthy wholesome environment for our people.
I hate big government but I really hate a government that doesn't work. So when 'they say we either have to raise taxes or cut core services ' it's actually a 'false choice.'
If you're an old pro you know how well you're doing when you're doing it and your inner government spanks you if you're not doing well.
Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility all talks of the sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.
You can study government and politics in school but the best way to really understand the process is to volunteer your time.
While approximately one in every 400 children and adolescents have Type I diabetes recent Government reports indicate that one in every three children born in 2000 will suffer from obesity which as noted is a predominant Type II precursor.
As far as your personal goals are and what you actually want to do with your life it should never have to do with the government. You should never depend on the government for your retirement your financial security for anything.
I honestly do not know if civil disobedience has any effect on the government. I can promise you it has a great effect on the person who chooses to do it.
We must force the government to stop the bird migration. We must shoot all birds field all our men and troops... and force migratory birds to stay where they are.
I strive never to forget the real world consequences of my decisions on individuals businesses and government.
I believe in the America people's ability to govern themselves. If government would just get out of the way and allow them to lead their lives as they choose they will succeed.
A government is the only vessel that leaks from the top.
Nothing is so galling to a people not broken in from the birth as a paternal or in other words a meddling government a government which tells them what to read and say and eat and drink and wear.
Attending that Convention and talking with those people and many others convinced me that I should become a blogger in my efforts to reform the government and uphold the integrity of the Constitution and the laws made in furtherance thereof.
Now in New Jersey we have more government workers per square mile than any state in America. But since I've been governor we now have fewer people on the state payroll at any time since Christie Whitman left office in January 2001. That's the right direction Mr. President not the wrong direction.
Someone has to stay on the line and say no we can do this by cutting spending and reducing the size of government. That's what I was committed to doing.
And I just think that we're at a point in our economic life here in our state - and - and candidly across the country where increased taxes is just the wrong way to go. The people of our state are not convinced that state government county government local government has done all they can with the money we already give them rather than the money that we have before.
We oppose the reactionary policies of the U.S. government but we do not oppose the American people. We want to have many good friends in the United States.
We've been so preoccupied with getting the government to behave in a fair and democratic way we were not able to focus on the private sector where most of the jobs are where most of the wealth and opportunities are.
Urban America has been redlined. Government has not offered tax incentives for investment as it has in a dozen foreign markets. Banks have redlined it. Industries have moved out they've redlined it. Clearly to break up the redlining process there must be incentives to green-line with hedges against risk.
A reporter's ability to keep the bond of confidentiality often enables him to learn the hidden or secret aspects of government.
The money that goes into Social Security is not the government's money. it's your money. You paid for it.
Government is either organized benevolence or organized madness its peculiar magnitude permits no shading.
A policy is a temporary creed liable to be changed but while it holds good it has got to be pursued with apostolic zeal.