I think there's been a big problem between religion or organized religion and spirituality.
I think that we are at a point in our country where we're trying to decide what role should religion play in the political arena.
There's a generation of people I think without a strong connection to family to religion to civic duty. They have a real disassociation from the problems of the world.
I am fascinated with religion or things that people believe in and question that. I think it's interesting.
I think the church and the religion right now have a lot more to be worried about than SLAYER.
Religion works on some people but not on everyone because it says 'Stop thinking and accept what I tell you.' That's not valid for people who want to think and reflect.
I think there's a difference between God and religion.
Do you think that God will punish them for not practicing a religion which he did not reveal to them?
I think you can be cynical about religion on occasion and certainly skeptical about the degree to which some people use religion to manipulate other people.
There was a time when someone would get on a plane and request to move their seat just because the person sitting next to them was of a different ethnicity or religion or nationality. But I don't think my generation wants that. That's how it used to be.
I don't believe there's any inherent darkness at the center of religion at all. I think religion actually is a morally neutral force.
For us to think we can enjoy understand and practice the Christian religion with just Matthew to Revelation is foolishness.
I am an atheist and if an atheist and a pope think the same things there must be something true. There must be some human truth that is beyond religion.
After I left the convent for 15 years I was worn out with religion I wanted nothing whatever to do with it. I felt disgusted with it. If I saw someone reading a religious book on a train I'd think how awful.
I'm just confused as to where we lost that in America because it is everyone's God-given right to think the way they think and that's fine. That's why our ancestors came here to America to believe what they want pray how they want and follow a religion with whoever they want.
I think I like big issues but I don't believe in God or religion.
There's no reason to bring religion into it. I think we ought to have as great a regard for religion as we can so as to keep it out of as many things as possible.
I think we have to believe in things we don't see. That's really important for all of us whether it's your religion or Santa Claus or whatever. That's pretty much what it's about.
We're all sick of holy wars and bloodshed because religion is supposed to give us life and a better life and is supposed to bring out our best self. When it results in mass destruction and hatred and anxiety it's the antithesis I think of what religion was designed to do.
I think people's perception of a rich girl is literal but metaphorically I embrace it as being rich in love spirit joy and religion. So it's not about money.
There is no religion in which everyday life is not considered a prison there is no philosophy or ideology that does not think that we live in alienation.
I used to think religion was just more of the same thing. Dump responsibility on the big guy. Now I see an importance in that. It's a relief to accept that not everything is under your control.
Now I think one of the reasons why religion developed in the way that it did over the centuries was precisely to curb this murderous bent that we have as human beings.
I try to just talk about human stories and what I think about religion or teapots or whatever.
The essence of optimism is that it takes no account of the present but it is a source of inspiration of vitality and hope where others have resigned it enables a man to hold his head high to claim the future for himself and not to abandon it to his enemy.