The food pyramid is very complicated. It doesn't give you as much info in a quick glance as the plate does.
Research has shown that even small amounts of processed food alter the chemical balance in our brain and cause negative mood swings along with noticeable dips ill energy.
We must pay greater attention to keeping our bodies and minds healthy and able to heal. Yet we are making it difficult for our defences to work. We allow things to be sold that should not be called food. Many have no nutritive value and lead to obesity salt imbalance and allergies.
Fitness is a curve. You can be Lance Armstrong or you can be really out of shape at the opposite end. People enter the curve wherever they are and then they can move up the curve by better nutrition and better exercise.
So I've broadened the fitness concept to make it one of moderation and balance.
I have a fear of poverty in old age. I have this vision of myself living in a skip and eating cat food. It's because I'm freelance and I've never had a proper job. I don't have a pension and my savings are dwindling. I always thought someone would just come along and look after me.
For me it's important to be in balance. To not let fear get in the way of things to not worry so much about protecting yourself all the time.
Lance Armstrong the famous cyclist and more importantly cancer survivor has said 'if you ever get a second chance for something you've got to go all the way.'
Finding that balance between work and family is the hardest thing I've ever done - by far.
It is from the progeny of this parent cell that we all take our looks we still share genes around and the resemblance of the enzymes of grasses to those of whales is in fact a family resemblance.
If I'm not writing well I'm not happy. If I'm not spending enough time with my family I'm not happy. If I'm not connecting to friends or if I don't work out enough... You get the point. Everything has to be balanced. Nothing should be an extreme.
It's all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family.
My kids give me the balance to live right.
Sectarian divide has created a schism in our society that is a major challenge. As monarch of all Bahrainis it pains me to see many harmed by the actions of a few. And yet I am optimistic and have faith in our people. We all realize that now is the time to strike a balance between stability and gradual reform.
The balance between faith and reason is for the determination of each individual and of the people as a whole not of unauthorized government officials uttering impious humbug as they arbitrarily try to define that balance.
Faith gives you an inner strength and a sense of balance and perspective in life.
Whether we call it religion or faith we all battle for a balanced integrated soul.
The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty character integrity faith love and loyalty.
Successful entrepreneurs find the balance between listening to their inner voice and staying persistent in driving for success - because sometimes success is waiting right across from the transitional bump that's disguised as failure.
Feeling is the consciousness of the resulting conditions - of success failure equilibrium compromise or balance in this continuous rivalry of ideas.
The course of the flight up and down was exceedingly erratic partly due to the irregularity of the air and partly to lack of experience in handling this machine. The control of the front rudder was difficult on account of its being balanced too near the center.
The underlying message of the Lancet article is that if you want to understand aggressive behaviour in children look to the social and emotional environment in which they are growing up and the values they bring to the viewing experience.
If we didn't want to upset anyone we would make films about sewing but even that could be dangerous. But I think finally in a film it is how the balance is and the feelings are. But I think there has to be those contrasts and strong things within a film for the total experience.
At times I experience hardship in trying to find the proper point of balance between traditional things and my own personality.
This is perhaps the most profound meaning of the book of Job the best example of wisdom.