I had no doubts I could go to the pole. I may not be as strong but I make up for physical strength in other areas like steadiness and not panicking under stress.
Billy is a funny cheeky lovely boy and I love being with him. Parenthood is terrifying though. I can barely walk past a building without panicking that it's going to collapse on his head.
My only problem is the fear that opposition bowlers might go for my fingers and that's why I was scared of the short ball. Now I am struggling with the ball pitching up and swinging away. I just keep nicking that one.
My rule is whatever you were calling me four years ago is what you should be calling me now because I don't like it when my family or close friends call me Nicki Minaj. To me I'm not Nicki Minaj when I'm with them.
I have so much respect for people in the theater. You can't do 10 or 15 takes. It's all live. It's like life in motion.