Thus a man was born into a fixed relation to certain gods as surely as he was born into a relation to his fellow-men and his religion... was simply one side of the general scheme of conduct prescribed for him by his position as a member of society.
In all the antique religions mythology takes the place of dogma that is the sacred lore of priests and people... and these stories afford the only explanation that is offered of the precepts of religion and the prescribed rules of ritual.
Perhaps it is because cats do not live by human patterns do not fit themselves into prescribed behavior that they are so united to creative people.
My rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before after and if need be during all meals and in the intervals between them.
Freedom would be not to choose between black and white but to abjure such prescribed choices.
In Britain the centrally prescribed welfare to work system short-changes the young unemployed. Transport housing and education are over centralised.
No group and no government can properly prescribe precisely what should constitute the body of knowledge with which true education is concerned.
I also take pleasure in the so-called negative power in Grotjahn's work. That is I love his paintings for what they are not. Unlike much art of the past decade Grotjahn isn't simply working from a prescribed checklist of academically acceptable curator-approved 'isms' and twists.
Actors who are lovers in real life are often incapable if playing the part of lovers to an audience. It is equally true that sympathy between actors who are not lovers may create a temporary emotion that is perfectly sincere.