I feel by posing for Playboy I've discovered my own sexuality and beauty and...
Beauty is the still birth of suffering every woman knows that.
All the beauty of the world 'tis but skin deep.
Those who find beauty in all of nature will find themselves at one with the...
The flowers anew returning seasons bring but beauty faded has no second...
I want the Arabic Granada that which is art which is all that seems to me...
What I want to give in the theatre is beauty that's what I want to give.
The beauty of women was the first expression of my photography.
I don't know what the secret to longevity as an actress is. It's more than...
If beauty isn't genius it usually signals at least a high level of animal...
And queenly is the state she keeps In beauty's lofty trust secure.
You can take no credit for beauty at sixteen. But if you are beautiful at...
Personality is more important than beauty but imagination is more important...
A small house must depend on its grouping with other houses for its beauty...
Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands and...
We Orientals find beauty not only in the thing itself but in the pattern of...
There are two kinds of artists in this world those that work because the...
Hath the spirit of all beauty Kissed you in the path of duty?
For most people we often marvel at the beauty of a sunrise or the...
But I fear my lot being cast in Scotland that beauty would not be content.
Jazz is a very democratic musical form. It comes out of a communal...
I have a book out called 'The Beauty Equation' and it discusses how off track...
Literature boils with the madcap careers of writers brought to the edge by...
For the greater beauty of the instrument the balls representing the planets...
Personality is only ripe when a man has made the truth his own.