I don't start with a design objective I start with a communication...
Their spirituality was in nature even though Emerson was a preacher on the...
God joins us together by means of the body in consequence of the laws of the...
The eventual place the American army should take on the western front was to...
Music is the social act of communication among people a gesture of...
It's communication - that's what theatre is all about.
Anybody who thinks that getting a communication from a voter in your district...
Poetry is the communication through words of certain experiences that can be...
I shall suggest on the contrary that all communication relies to a...
When I did it with Johnny it was almost a telepathic kind of communication.
But despite the universality of URLs we often forget that they're not just a...
The nations of the West hope that by means of steam communication all the...
In this great age of communication there a lot of people you can't actually...
I'm glad you asked that question because of any musical situation I've been...
Unlike then the mail stream of today has diminished by such things as...
I think sex is very interesting for most people but I'm interested in sex as...
Without television and mass communication that knowledge wouldn't exist. So...
I have a very open line of communication with both my children.
People aren't going to talk about it except me and that is communication and...
But if I can be convinced and then through the work that we do together the...
Today most young women are exposed to technology at a very young age with...
Yes it must be something that goes very well with my voice let's say...
When first starting to work with someone you try to get them in the same...
However even during the preparations for action we laid our plans in such a...
Being a mother is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me in my life.