The man who comes up with a means for doing or producing almost anything...
I am confident that when the facts and policies have been examined when the...
The future has already arrived. It's just not evenly distributed yet.
The perennial conviction that those who work hard and play by the rules will...
If you see the magic in a fairy tale you can face the future.
I said peace is sometimes narrowly interpreted it's the absence of conflict...
I don't know what the future may hold but I know who holds the future.
We can chart our future clearly and wisely only when we know the path which...
At every crossroads on the path that leads to the future tradition has...
What I'm concerned about is endless borrowing which is going to compromise...
The wave of the future is coming and there is no fighting it.
America which has the most glorious present still existing in the world...
The future is the worst thing about the present.
All I can say is that I'm getting married in the future. I've narrowed it...
Here is what we know after more than a decade of Republican rule: Texas...
The road to the future leads us smack into the wall. We simply ricochet off...
In 1998 Artnet was the site that convinced me that if my writing didn't...
I'm not sitting dwelling about the past or stressing or fretting about...
I'm working on bringing the instant film camera back as part of the future.
If you want to have sustained joy you have to not only make sure that you...
Forget the past - the future will give you plenty to worry about.
It's just really hard to work and get better building and planning for the...
If my future were determined just by my performance on a standardized test I...
The future and eternity are two entirely different things.
The wonderful thing about age is that your knees don't work as well you can't run down steps quite as easily and obviously you can't lift heavy weights. But your mind doesn't feel any different.