The Federal Government should be the last resort not the first. Ask if a...
Every Indian outbreak that I have ever known has resulted from broken...
This is a government takeover of our healthcare system. It is the government...
We are witnessing an enormous shift of collective consciousness throughout...
Government stimulates the democrat party.
I want anyone who believes in life liberty pursuit of happiness to succeed....
Liberal Democrats are inexorably opposed to tax cuts because tax cuts give...
You could afford your house without the government if it weren't for the...
There is a higher law than the law of government. That's the law of conscience.
Remember that government doesn't earn one single dollar it spends. In order...
Most Americans aren't the sort of citizens the Founding Fathers expected they...
Every country has the government it deserves.
Since taking office President Obama has signed into law spending increases...
That's the definition of 'success' for the modern Democrat Party. As many...
The income tax is a twentieth-century socialist experiment that has failed....
I don't believe we need the government's help as much as some think we do....
Political tyranny is nothing compared to the social tyranny and a reformer...
As Americans we don't see the role of government as guaranteeing outcomes...
People forget... that we structured it so that the government or the people...
The control of information is something the elite always does particularly...
We need transparency in government spending. We need to put each government...
We should reject big government and look inside ourselves for all the things...
Many people consider the things government does for them to be social...
Honesty integrity and accountability the values which should be the...
Pennsylvania is a very tough state people don't last long in Pennsylvania politics.