The learning process continues until the day you die.
It takes a long time to learn that a courtroom is the last place in the world...
The lopsided attitudes of college professors pose a serious challenge to...
I can't talk about foreign policy like anyone who's spent their life reading...
I can always see what I've done wrong. I'm always learning. I'm the perennial...
I hope the cooks who are working for me now are getting that kind of...
If I don't need the money I don't work. I'm going to spend time with my...
It wasn't until after private lessons and learning bass lines that I even...
Someone taught me how to eat properly. Learning from others is important when...
I had actually been on tour in Japan and I had my own world tour that I was...
I spent a little time in Germany as a schoolboy learning German and it's a...
In the end my pursuit of the elusive New York State driver's license became...
There's no media training. In cooking school there's not even manager...
Yes - it's the same in any other work - the more you massage your thinking...
I'd love to do a romantic comedy. And perhaps if the character was right and...
I speak about family and adoption because it 100% changed my life and who I...
I wanted to get to that aesthetic proposition that comes out of learning the...
I've seen a lot of the United States having stayed in so many different...
The battle was first waged over the right of the Negro to be classed as a...
They are the guiding oracles which man has found out for himself in that...
People mature at different stages and I feel I'm learning a lot.
I'd love to go to fashion week! I'm learning more about designers thanks to...
That was a real learning element for me because I realized that the more...
I opened my own restaurant when I was 17. I went broke then traveled around...
All my life I have loved and been inspired by French cinema and as a studio head it has been my pride and joy to have the ability to bring movies to audiences around the world.