We do not learn and what we call learning is only a process of recollection.
Why don't they pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting anybody from...
Each year has been so robust with problems and successes and learning...
Men have a respect for scholarship and learning greatly out of proportion to...
A little learning is a dangerous thing but we must take that risk because a...
It is only when we forget all our learning that we begin to know.
A lot of the problems I had with fame I was bringing on myself. A lot of...
No man ever prayed heartily without learning something.
Learning without thought is labor lost thought without learning is perilous.
Everybody who is incapable of learning has taken to teaching.
Learning to trust is one of life's most difficult tasks.
The minute that you're not learning I believe you're dead.
I never learn anything talking. I only learn things when I ask questions.
And we are never too old to study the Bible. Each time the lessons are...
A tough lesson in life that one has to learn is that not everybody wishes you...
Question everything. Learn something. Answer nothing.
I don't love studying. I hate studying. I like learning. Learning is beautiful.
Study nature love nature stay close to nature. It will never fail you.
Study strategy over the years and achieve the spirit of the warrior. Today is...
I am still learning.
If I were given the opportunity to present a gift to the next generation it...
You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and by...
A little learning is a dangerous thing Drink deep or taste not the Pierian...
I don't think human beings learn anything without desperation. Desperation is...
There is a holy mistaken zeal in politics as well as in religion. By persuading others we convince ourselves.