If you're giving love and not receiving it you're not in the right...
We've been able to access deals that under our former relationship with...
All men want to be treated like kings in a relationship and I think if women...
I think every relationship has a point where you stop and reevaluate. Are you...
There's an entry point to any relationship.
You have a strange relationship with calamity when you're a writer: you write...
It's a very difficult thing losing a parent but I think there's an added...
The basic discovery about any people is the discovery of the relationship...
The thing that stood out above and beyond all the experiences was this...
I'm so lucky that I have a great relationship.
Every company has two organizational structures: The formal one is written on...
When they watch a movie and they know that you're in a relationship you just...
The relationship between the prophet and the President the priest and the...
In a relationship when does the art of compromise become compromising?
The transatlantic relationship is vital for both our countries: France will...
Film's hard when you don't have any relationship with the director at all and...
What we have now is doctors who are actually better technically at what...
We should never denigrate any other culture but rather help people to...
Our first scene is sort of a reunion between the X-Men characters which...
The establishment wonders why we can't get more of the black vote. It's...
I have my ethics and morals. I have my anchor point of what is right and...
I have a very long relationship with America. My mother grew up there and I...
The relationship between Israel and the United States is a bond of - it's...
There's a lot about the character. It doesn't always happen but there are...
I'm really really lucky. I was given my dad's good genes.