Don't leave hold of your common sense. Think about what you're doing and how...
Part of the problem is when we bring in a new technology we expect it to be...
I mean when you get down to very low numbers of nuclear weapons and you...
So many times these kids know more about the technology than their parents....
I have a grandson who is 20. He's a computer guy. I'm worried that he can't...
I knew I wanted to do something at the nexus of what I call global...
By 2007 we were finally living in a culture where people get what networks...
You can have the best technology in the world but if you don't have a...
Take therefore what modern technology is capable of: the power of our moral...
We know that al Qaeda is seeking radioactive materials and technology to...
Scientists at MIT and engineering schools all across America say that they...
I'm in favor of any technology that makes my work available to the reading...
Today we're focused on small acquisitions to add technology where necessary....
Since fantasy isn't about technology the accelleration has no impact at all....
Every technology including the printing press comes at some price.
My goal for technology has always been to reach a point where the...
What we can do should never by itself determine what we choose to do yet...
Modern technology has become a total phenomenon for civilization the...
The recent fascination I think reflects the shift in approach by law...
Looking down the road space exploration and the benefits it yields - in...
Advances in technology and in our understanding of illness and disease...
I think that there are changes that have occurred in technology that make is...
When CD technology first came out it was just so much waste.
I spend so much time on the screen when I am writing the last thing you want...
Becoming famous and selling a lot of records doesn't change a thing.