At its core 90 percent of my job is still sitting down in a room full of...
People are looking to have more meaning in their lives. It is a sign the...
I hated science in high school. Technology? Engineering? Math? Why would I...
In consequence science is more important than ever for industrial technology.
My grandfather on my mother's side was a professor of mechanical engineering...
We're in this transition period of figuring out how to deal with all the new...
IBM's long-standing mantra is 'Think.' What has always made IBM a fascinating...
And so when I moved to IBM I moved because I thought I could apply...
Society will decide after the technology is created what we will and won't...
For behaviorist films that's been much more useful - the change of...
CRATEL is a center with a two-fold mission - to explore technology as an...
Silicon Valley has some of the smartest engineers and technology business...
Laboratories can reduce risk by implementing a proven and internationally...
The thing that's changed the most has just been the rapid technology.
The bottom line is how do we best provide for the security of the traveling...
The combination of hatred and technology is the greatest danger threatening...
Obviously CGI in the last ten years has gone through such leaps and bounds...
Taxpayers deserve a government that harnesses technology to better serve the...
In spite of advances in technology and changes in the economy state...
The embrace of a new technology by ordinary people leads inevitably to its...
Nuclear arms and atomic power represent a technology in which coexistence...
I think that technology has both introduced new sounds but also allowed an...
I've been thinking about the distorted view of science that prevails in our...
Technology isn't the enemy it is our ally but only if we adopt a new model...
Success always necessitates a degree of ruthlessness. Given the choice of friendship or success I'd probably choose success.