I believe women still face a glass ceiling that must be shattered.
There was never a war on poverty. Maybe there was a skirmish on poverty.
Lesson from Pataki's success is: Use the political moment.
I believe discrimination still exists in society and we must fight it in...
I respect the state workers and I respect their unions but we simply can't...
Once you start saying 'Let's talk political my own politics my own...
Very few people go into politics to be reviled.
If I weren't doing the politics I wouldn't be doing my job.
People go into politics because they want the affirmation and they want the...
Ninety percent of the students take the 'preferred lender.' Why? Because...
I was elected to come to an incredibly dysfunctional capital and make the...
I don't know people who don't say boy the government is working better now.
I'm in politics. I'm in government so nothing surprises me.
The essential job of government is to facilitate not frustrate job...
The Declaration of Independence says when government fails the people have...
I am the government.
Too often government responds to the whispers of lobbyists before the cries...
New York State is upside down and backwards high taxes and low performance....
Marriage equality changed life for people.
I am fiscally prudent and socially progressive. I believe in protecting a...
I believe public education is the new civil rights battle and I support...
The need to understand prescription information can literally be a matter of...
My father was against the death penalty and that was hard in the Son of Sam...
I am against the death penalty.
I have too much respect for the idea of God to make it responsible for such an absurd world.