I am the woman I grew to be partly in spite of my mother and partly because...
We must not inflict life on children who will be resented we must not inflict...
I got a lot of things that society had promised would make me whole and...
Most of me was glad when my mother died. She was a handful but not in a cute...
When hope is not pinned wriggling onto a shiny image or expectation it...
The reason I never give up hope is because everything is so basically hopeless.
Hope begins in the dark the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try...
We can't understand when we're pregnant or when our siblings are expecting...
Your problem is how you are going to spend this one odd and precious life you...
You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns...
I love readings and my readers but the din of voices of the audience gives...
My parents and librarians along the way taught me about the space between...
I woke up full of hate and fear the day before the most recent peace march in...
When we're dealing with the people in our family - no matter how annoying or...
My coming to faith did not start with a leap but rather a series of staggers...
A whole lot of us believers of all different religions are ready to turn...
The first holy truth in God 101 is that men and women of true faith have...
The earth is rocky and full of roots it's clay and it seems doomed and...
Some people seem to understand this - that life and change take time - but I...
I like the desert for short periods of time from inside a car with the...
The worst part about celebrating another birthday is the shock that you're...
Some people won't go the extra mile and then on their birthday when no one...
Pay attention to the beauty surrounding you.
If you don't die of thirst there are blessings in the desert. You can be...
Suspicion is far more to be wrong than right more often unjust than just. It is no friend to virtue and always an enemy to happiness.