Many differences are rooted in biology and reinforced through culture so...
While eschewing emotion - and its companion vulnerability - Obama should be...
If people believe you're on their side they will trust your decisions.
My job is to be a spokesman - the spokesman I suppose - for the President...
A lot of people over time have had this kind of pattern in their relationship...
Almost all first ladies have had tremendous power on personnel issues...
Bill Clinton sitting on Air Force One getting his hair cut while people...
When I first started working in politics as a junior aide on Walter...
It isn't fate but fecklessness that has shoved Sarah Palin to the sidelines...
As women have played an increasingly important role in politics there is no...
'Not again!' I thought to myself this morning as news trickled out that John...
I am endlessly fascinated that playing football is considered a training...
Having a sense of humor has served me more than it has hurt me - just in the...
Obama seemed poised to realign American politics after his stunning 2008...
This is a generation weaned on Watergate and there is no presumption of...
I look forward to a time in the not so distant future when we no longer...
Barack Obama is the most famous living person in the history of the world.
It never occurred to me that I wouldn't go to college and have a career - as...
The dirty little secret is that the pool man who's making $30 000 a year is...
No doubt the White House thinks the American people know Obama's story. But...
That someone like Obama could be elected president of the United States -...
As long as the G.O.P. led by its increasingly visible women continues to...
The exposed nature of life in the public square affects leaders' attitudes...
I think how pay gets determined is pretty broad - experience how people look...
I don't have that much forward planning about what I want to do next or in the future.