A good writer possesses not only his own spirit but also the spirit of his...
All credibility all good conscience all evidence of truth come only from...
Once spirit was God then it became man and now it is even becoming mob.
The abdomen is the reason why man does not readily take himself to be a god.
I would believe only in a God that knows how to Dance.
There cannot be a God because if there were one I could not believe that I...
God is a thought who makes crooked all that is straight.
Is man one of God's blunders? Or is God one of man's blunders?
A subject for a great poet would be God's boredom after the seventh day of...
Woman was God's second mistake.
I cannot believe in a God who wants to be praised all the time.
Today I love myself as I love my god: who could charge me with a sin today? I...
The future influences the present just as much as the past.
All sciences are now under the obligation to prepare the ground for the...
A woman may very well form a friendship with a man but for this to endure...
It is not a lack of love but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy...
Rejoicing in our joy not suffering over our suffering makes someone a friend.
Love is blind friendship closes its eyes.
Nothing has been purchased more dearly than the little bit of reason and...
If there is something to pardon in everything there is also something to...
Not necessity not desire - no the love of power is the demon of men. Let...
Fear is the mother of morality.
Faith: not wanting to know what is true.
A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove...
Studies have shown that since women have had access to the pill and family planning measures they have made huge gains in both wages and in careers that were dominated by men.