Liberty according to my metaphysics is a self-determining power in an...
Because power corrupts society's demands for moral authority and character...
I must not write a word to you about politics because you are a woman.
I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study...
In politics the middle way is none at all.
All the perplexities confusion and distress in America arise not from...
The Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were...
Let us tenderly and kindly cherish therefore the means of knowledge. Let us...
My country has contrived for me the most insignificant office that ever the...
Here is everything which can lay hold of the eye ear and imagination -...
Great is the guilt of an unnecessary war.
Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the...
Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry and chicanery of...
The essence of a free government consists in an effectual control of rivalries.
While all other sciences have advanced that of government is at a standstill...
A government of laws and not of men.
The happiness of society is the end of government.
There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be...
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly...
Power always thinks... that it is doing God's service when it is violating...
When people talk of the freedom of writing speaking or thinking I cannot...
Liberty cannot be preserved without general knowledge among the people.
Fear is the foundation of most governments.
I always consider the settlement of America with reverence and wonder as the...
Do not have evil-doers for friends do not have low people for friends: have virtuous people for friends have for friends the best of men.