On the justification for the war it wasn't related to finding any particular...
Human rights commissions as they are evolving are an attack on our...
After all enforced national bilingualism in this country isn't mere policy....
The job numbers are positive. We've had more jobs created now than were lost...
I've always been clear I support the traditional definition of marriage.
I have no difficulty with the recognition of civil unions for non-traditional...
I just think it would be unrealistic to suggest we're going to eliminate...
I think first and foremost everybody should understand that Canadians are...
Look I think the worst case scenario is obvious. I think first of all it...
I forget what the relevant American rate is but I can tell you that our goal...
We've got to see a state where the Afghan government can handle its own...
What the government has to do if it wants to govern for any length of time...
We'll support the government on issues if it's essential to the country but...
We should have been there shoulder to shoulder with our allies. Our concern...
The Leader of the Opposition's constitutional obligation - the obligation to...
It's the government's obligation to look really to the third parties to get...
If you want to be a government in a minority Parliament you have to work...
I don't believe an Alliance government should sponsor legislation on abortion...
First of all I can't forget my first responsibility - which is to be the...
Whether Canada ends up as o-ne national government or two national...
The government can only be brought down because it alienates several parties...
I do not intend to dispute in any way the need for defence cuts and the need...
As a religion bilingualism is the god that failed. It has led to no fairness...
Canadians know that the promise of a recession didn't happen because of...
And think of how we challenged the idea of a male dominated Parliament with All-Women shortlists and made the cause of gender equality central to our government. We were right to do so.