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Things happen in American politics in the political center. If the President will meet us in the center there are things we can accomplish.

When we talk about safety and security of the American people politics falls aside pretty quickly.

American politics used to be an amateur sport. But somewhere along the way we handed over to professionals all the things people used to do for free.

The tax issue is the most powerful issue in American politics going back to the Tea Party. People say 'Oh Grover Norquist has power.' No. Grover Norquist and Americans for Tax Reform focus on the tax issue. The tax issue is a powerful issue.

If you really want to diminish a candidate depict him as the foil of his handler. This is as old in American politics as politics itself.

The ability of the 1 percent to buy politicians and regulators is nothing new in American politics - just as inequality has been a permanent part of our economic system. This is true of virtually all political and economic systems.

If American politics are too dirty for women to take part in there's something wrong with American politics.

George Clooney's 'Ides of March' could be the most under-appreciated movie of the year. In 20 years they're gonna go back and say 'Oh that was American politics in that time period.' I follow politics I love it and that movie is so authentic.

I guess probably in my time in politics it continued to be affirmed to me that the African-American community despite being subscription television's most valuable customers they are very underserved by cable and satellite television programming options.

I will say that I think Israel enjoys strong bipartisan support in the United States. It's really above and beyond American politics.

You know I'm just not going to get into American politics.

I can tell you that too much money is corrupting American politics. Don't blame the American public. The U.S. Supreme Court has a lot to answer for because it has made it impossible for Congress to reduce the corrupting influence of money on American political life.

Every two years the American politics industry fills the airwaves with the most virulent scurrilous wall-to-wall character assassination of nearly every political practitioner in the country - and then declares itself puzzled that America has lost trust in its politicians.

A couple of weeks is a long time in American politics.

I voted for Barack because he was black. 'Cuz that's why other folks vote for other people - because they look like them... That's American politics pure and simple.

African-Americans who might have disagreed with candidate Obama's left-of-center politics voted for him in 2008 because electing a candidate with brown skin was too historic an opportunity to miss.

And yet there are still people in American politics who for some reason cling to this belief that America is better off adopting the economic policies of nations whose people who immigrate here from there.

A wise nation should cultivate a political spirit that allows opponents to cooperate without fearing an automatic execution from their core supporters. Who knew that the real rogues in American politics would be the ones who dare to get along?

The term 'the American Left' is as near to being meaningless or nonsensical as any term could really be in politics. It isn't really a force in politics anymore. And it would do well to ask itself why that is.

As a black woman my politics and political affiliation are bound up with and flow from participation in my people's struggle for liberation and with the fight of oppressed people all over the world against American imperialism.

First I think more Americans need to declare their independence from partisan politics on both sides. The more that Americans declare their independence the more the parties will have to compete for their votes using reason rather than the hateful appeals.

The world of American politics is more contentious than it has ever been in my lifetime.

Consul - in American politics a person who having failed to secure an office from the people is given one by the Administration on condition that he leave the country.

A typical vice of American politics is the avoidance of saying anything real on real issues.

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Dad said that he was prouder of me than he'd ever been when I came out.