Love in its essence is spiritual fire.
While we have the gift of life it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow part of us to die - whether it is our spirit our creativity or our glorious uniqueness.
The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental emotional spiritual as well as physical.
A life is either all spiritual or not spiritual at all. No man can serve two masters. Your life is shaped by the end you live for. You are made in the image of what you desire.
Life without liberty is like a body without spirit.
You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.
There are four questions of value in life... What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love.
Just as a candle cannot burn without fire men cannot live without a spiritual life.
Unrest of spirit is a mark of life.
Ten thousand pounds is the legal value of a negligently taken life of a child or a parent. A cold and somewhat mean-spirited calculation: you would do better if you slipped on a paving-stone and broke a front tooth.
I have been committed to carrying out my duties... in accordance with both the letter and spirit of all applicable rules of ethics and canons of conduct.
Learning is the ally not the adversary of genius... he who reads in a proper spirit can scarcely read too much.
While the laughter of joy is in full harmony with our deeper life the laughter of amusement should be kept apart from it. The danger is too great of thus learning to look at solemn things in a spirit of mockery and to seek in them opportunities for exercising wit.
Study strategy over the years and achieve the spirit of the warrior. Today is victory over yourself of yesterday tomorrow is your victory over lesser men.
But I think Steve's main contribution besides just the pure leadership is his passion for excellence. He's a perfectionist. Good enough isn't good enough. And also his creative spirit. You know he really really wants to do something great.
Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry creativity entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model.
The tree of knowledge is not the tree of life! And yet can we cast out of our spirits all the good or evil poured into them by so many learned generations? Ignorance cannot be learned.
Throughout the past there has been a lack of intimacy affection and regard for Islam by Christianity. This to a large extent has been due to a lack of knowledge of the great human and spiritual ideals for which Islam and the teachings of Islam stand.
Human relations are built on feeling not on reason or knowledge. And feeling is not an exact science like all spiritual qualities it has the vagueness of greatness about it.
Thus in accordance with the spirit of the Historical School knowledge of the principles of the human world falls within that world itself and the human sciences form an independent system.
Because in the school of the Spirit man learns wisdom through humility knowledge by forgetting how to speak by silence how to live by dying.
It is an infantile superstition of the human spirit that virginity would be thought a virtue and not the barrier that separates ignorance from knowledge.
The jealous are possessed by a mad devil and a dull spirit at the same time.
I can't be a man. But I can embrace the head of a man the intelligence of a man the spirit of a man.
In the sports arena I would say there is nothing like training and preparation. You have to train your mind as much as your body.