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The American people I talk to don't spend every moment thinking 'How can I tax my neighbor more than they're being taxed?' They say 'How can I get a good job? How can my kids get good jobs? How can seniors have a confidence in their future when they know that Social Security Medicare and Medicaid are bankrupt?'

I think the teaching profession contributes more to the future of our society than any other single profession.

We are the only beings on the planet who lead such rich internal lives that it's not the events that matter most to us but rather it's how we interpret those events that will determine how we think about ourselves and how we will act in the future.

It is by no means an irrational fancy that in a future existence we shall look upon what we think our present existence as a dream.

We've demonstrated a strong track record of being very disciplined with the use of our cash. We don't let it burn a hole in our pocket we don't allow it to motivate us to do stupid acquisitions. And so I think that we'd like to continue to keep our powder dry because we do feel that there are one or more strategic opportunities in the future.

All political thinking for years past has been vitiated in the same way. People can foresee the future only when it coincides with their own wishes and the most grossly obvious facts can be ignored when they are unwelcome.

But I dare not think too far into the future on the risk that I'll miss the present.

You know when you're young you think you will always be. As you become more fragile you reflect and you realize how much comfort can come from the past. Hymns can carry you into the future.

I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.

But I think funny and talent will always win out I mean of course there are hurdles but I think if you're funny you will get over all of that.

I know people will think it's funny because I've done glamour modelling in the past but I felt embarrassed about my body and just wanted to cover it up.

I mean I talk about being Jewish a lot. It's funny because I do think of myself as Jewish ethnically but I'm not religious at all. I have no religion.

But I think you can make fun of anything as long as it's funny enough.

Well I'm not afraid to say something if I think it's funny even if it's harsh or racist.

It's so funny when you're actually directing because things start popping that you don't expect to pop and something that you think is going to pop maybe doesn't quite have the impetus that you thought it might.

'Lucky' is for laughs and there's really nothing funny that I'm doing on 'Dexter.' I think more than anything both comment on the fact that anybody is capable of anything. Just because they are the shy guy in the corner doesn't mean that they are a harmless little bunny.

The prospects for a coherent hilarious and consistent American comedy seem to lessen every year as the poor waterlogged gassy corpse called 'Evan Almighty' proved when it floated ashore recently. So there's a temptation to think too highly of Robin Williams's uneven but occasionally funny 'License to Wed.'

Sometimes we have to actually say I think you're really funny but none of your jokes are going to make it on the air. So just answer my questions. Seriously.

I don't think my judgment is that good. I don't know what is funny.

I think one of the basic tasks in life - one of the nice things we can do for each other - is to take things that are horrible and scary and make them acceptable and less frightening and if possible funny. It feels great to succeed at that.

I don't think the public is dying to see me necessarily be funny all the time.

I don't think know if anything's going to translate anywhere. You're making a movie you hope it's going to be funny you can't think about how it's going to go over.

I think that 'Hangover II' is as funny as 'The Hangover I ' honest to God but I think that it's a little bit darker and the stakes are a little bit higher.

You know if I started worrying about what the critics think I'd never make another comedy. You couldn't pick a less funny group than critics - you couldn't find a more bitter group of people!

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In India we only read about death sickness terrorism crime.