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I think I have a dark view of the world. I have to make everything funny otherwise it all seems so sad.

Back in the '70s like one of my favorite movies ever was 'The Bad News Bears' and that was a kids' movie but I don't think of it that way. I think of it as just a great movie because Walter Matthau was so funny and so harsh with those kids.

Johnny Rotten. He's a big fan of mine. I used to see him out in the audience in England and he'd stand up and holler. He's funny. Smart too and a nice guy. Don't think he's a jerk because he isn't.

I think the Cold War works as a great analogy or simile for different kinds of conflict. It's funny when you look back at it it's one of the last times that the boundaries were clear. Now as we see on 'Homeland ' there are no clear boundaries and enemies.

But sooner or later I'd love to do a comedy. I mean I think that you know people don't think that that's in my wheelhouse because I've sort of played a lot of dramatic stuff and that's certainly a side of myself that I want at some point in the right context in the right stuff that I find really funny.

The most important thing is to write material that YOU think is funny. If you don't think it's funny but you're convinced that other people will think it is well they won't.

I don't dismiss the music that I was involved with I don't think it was a joke I don't think it was funny or a phase I don't think it was just something I was doing back then to me it was who I am. It connects all the way through. I don't distance myself from any of it.

I think sometimes my humor is extremely dry and a lot of times I would say things that I thought were very funny but... I have a reputation of - people think of me as a very fundamentalist humorless fellow.

I do find comedy difficult. I don't know why. Maybe I think about it too much. There's a tremendous amount of pressure to be funny.

I think there's something in the fact that it's hard to be good looking and funny. You have to have an oddball quality people have to sympathise with you to find you funny.

It's funny because when you're younger you're in a rush to be 18 or 21 or whatever. But then you hit 30. And now the days go by like hours. You think 40 man this could be the halfway point. It could be the three-quarters point you know? Who knows?

The funny thing is that I write and I act a lot about being Jewish but I don't really think about it as a regular person.

I think I would say 'The King's Speech' is surprisingly funny in fact the audiences in London Toronto LA New York commented there's more laughter in this film than in most comedies while it is also a moving tear-jerker with an uplifting ending.

I've dated some women who have turned me on to some funny things that are strange for men to actually do but these things have become part of my process. I think the things I do for my appearance help make me look better. I even colour my hair because I like how it makes me look.

You know how it is with writing. You just write what you want to write. There's no way to predict what is good or bad. You just do what you think is funny and either it works or you're finished. It's impossible to predict anything.

You can't make everybody laugh. You gotta just do what you think is funny. Just be obstreperous to everybody.

He is very dry but also very funny... I think people tend to feel odd when I do my act. Unless you are an ironic person it's not a good place for you to be.

It's funny how I use social media because I don't use it to promote my restaurants that much. I use it for social issues and I think that's what it's for. I do a few things - I mess around with music a lot because that's a passion of mine. If something strikes me and I want to share it I do.

It's a funny relationship that makeup artists have. I always feel kind of like a dentist. People look at me and think of pain.

The American audience has really opened up to women being A.) funny and B.) kinda crude. 'Bridesmaids' is R-rated and I think it was a major coup for women to have an R-rated comedy that did really well. Same as 'Bad Teacher.'

I also think if you're an actor and you can improvise when you go on an audition and you can improvise you're just a genius. If you can you know take a Tide commercial and you can just say one funny line that's not in the commercial they think you're a genius.

I tend to play characters that I can infuse with certain kinds of humour. Even the baddest guy can be funny in his own particular way. I want the audience to engage with the character on some deeper level so that they leave the cinema still thinking about him.

I really don't know what makes a comedian. I think it's a family background and environment. Yet if you put the same ingredients in another person he may never utter a funny line.

If you think something's funny go with that. Most comedians pull jokes from a place of honesty.

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