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Great art - or good art - is when you look at it experience it and it stays in your mind. I don't think conceptual art and traditional art are all that different.

Do I ever think Gossip will be really massive in America? No I don't think it'll happen - and that's fine. It's kind of nice because I get to experience everything at once. I get to come home and it not be weird like in Paris or something. It is nice to be completely anonymous.

I think newspapers shouldn't try to compete directly with the Web and should do what they can do better which may be long-form journalism and using photos and art and making connections with large-form graphics and really enhancing the tactile experience of paper.

I started thinking about joy. Everything in our society is so purposeful. Let's bring joy back to the experience.

I think being a parent is the most challenging thing you do. That's why we're here. It's at the heart of what it is to be a human being. It's the ultimate experience because it questions everything about who you are. But it's difficult.

For me titles are either a natural two-second experience or stressful enough to give you an ulcer. If they don't pop out perfect on the first try they can be really hard to repair. Or worse if the author thinks they pop out perfect but the publishing house does not agree it's difficult to shift gears. And then? Then you go insane.

I wouldn't say I'm a very original thinker but if I have a good experience with something I'll want to take it further or adapt it in some way.

There are a lot of obstacles in the way of our understanding animal intelligence - not the least being that we can't even agree whether nonhuman species are conscious. We accept that chimps and dolphins experience awareness we like to think dogs and cats do. But what about mice and newts? What about a fly? Is anything going on there at all?

I started off on stage because it was the only work I could get. I haven't been back for 11 years. I think any stage experience is good experience as far as being an actor is concerned.

I think generally I'm kind of interested in subjective experience what goes on inside someone's head that being all they really know of the world.

I think I have a tendency to look at things subjectively rather than objectively when I reflect on my experience.

Bottom up thinkers try to start from experience and move from experience to understanding. They don't start with certain general principles they think beforehand are likely to be true they just hope to find out what reality is like.

I don't think as a creator that I could create an experience that truly feels interactive if you don't have something to hold in your hand if you don't have something like force feedback that you can feel from the controller.

I think I can make an entirely new game experience and if I can't do it some other game designer will.

I think it's easy for people to assume that fame is equal to glory but it can be a very isolating experience.

No characters in 'Stay Close ' including the leads are black and white. I want them to be grey. I think that makes for a much more interesting reading experience something that will stay with you a little bit longer.

I have this horrible sense of humor where I think discomfort is funny - partly because I experience discomfort a lot and it's a way of laughing at it and getting a release.

I want people to think of me as a nice person. I really am so blessed. All of this has been a great experience and I thank the American public so much for putting me in this position. I appreciate every second of it.

The crucial question one comes back to is the examination without that experience is meaningless. And I think it's true that society is becoming more and more passive less and less fired up with enthusiasm in many spheres.

I think everyone's experience with a terminal disease is so deeply personal and unique to the person the context in which they're living and the relationships that they have.

Love is blind. My politics has been too. I think you can fall in love with ideas and you can fall in love with people. It's a very subjective experience. And I'm loyal to that experience.

And we're seeing a higher level of consciousness and many more opportunities for people to challenge their present ways of thinking and move into a grander and larger experience of who they really are.

I just think that the collective experience of going to see a film is something you can't recreate.

I think on-stage nudity is disgusting shameful and damaging to all things American. But if I were 22 with a great body it would be artistic tasteful patriotic and a progressive religious experience.

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Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.