I just try to try to keep an attitude that I don't know what I'm doing. Not to the point where I'm beating myself up but I just go in thinking that I have a lot to learn. And I hope I still have that attitude 30 years from now.
I think that generally music should be a positive thing I like Bob Marley's attitude: he said that his goal in life was to single handedly fight all the evil in the world with nothing but music and when he went to a place he didn't go to play he went to conquer.
But I do think that we approach music in of itself with a religious attitude.
Certain kinds of speed flow intensity density of attacks density of interaction... Music that concentrates on those qualities is I think easier achieved by free improvisation between people sharing a common attitude a common language.
Having a child makes you strong and gives you chutzpah. It relaxed my attitude to the job my center of focus shifted which I think is very helpful because even if you're not a very indulgent actor you spend a lot of time thinking about yourself. I don't think that is particularly healthy.
I don't know that I have any role models now that are fixed. Definitely my mom - she's the coolest. She's worked really hard her whole life and I just think she's got a great attitude. Moms just know so much it's so silly.
I always give Lindsay so much credit for her tennis game for her attitude for her person and because of how she deals with all the things. I don't think people give her enough credit for how well she's doing.
I think one of the things that language poets are very involved with is getting away from conventional ideas of beauty because those ideas contain a certain attitude toward women certain attitudes toward sex certain attitudes toward race etc.
I think that the U.S. does have this very much more open attitude and I admire it very much and I think it's very important to the world. But the information and the discussion sometimes come too late after the effective decision has been made.
As the time goes by you change your learn new things your attitude is different. For the moment I'm still enjoying ski racing so much that it would be difficult for me to think about ending my career.
The time I spent thinking about how I was better than somebody else or worrying about somebody else's attitude was time I could put to better use.
I'm not anti-fashion but I've always had a bit of a punk attitude. That's important I think. I do my own thing.
There's a punk-rock attitude clearly to 'Hated.' There's even a punk-rock attitude to 'The Hangover ' I think. We start the movie with a Glenn Danzig song.
My personal view is that such total planning by the state is an absolute good and not simply a relative good... I do not myself think of the attitude I take as deriving from Marx - though this undoubtedly will be suggested - but from Fichte and Hegel.
I just really think every job I do I get this gypsy attitude to money.
I just think that people take me a little more seriously as a brunette. I don't know if that's just because of a societal preconceived notion that all blondes are stupid but it's a different kind of attitude.
But I think bands that rolled in with a big attitude like they were some big deal I just found that very strange.
I'm just part of a tradition of people who aren't pleased. I would never think anyone else who has the same attitude was getting it from me. I'd just think they're... sensible.
Vampires are so old that they don't need to impress anyone anymore. They're comfortable in their own skin. It's this enigmatic strength that's very romantic and old-fashioned. I think it goes back to something of a Victorian attitude of finding a strong man who's going to look after his woman.
I think fun is an important part of the entertainment industry and it should be. Anybody who's not incorporating some of that into their work needs to take a break go away and have an attitude adjustment.
I think my attitude to human beings has changed since leaving prison.
I cannot say that the attitude of the United Nations always is for the Israeli attitude. Israel I think has been under severe attacks by members of the United Nations many times.
I haven't seen Clones which has been during this period when I haven't seen much of anything but I did see Phantom Menace and see my feelings about it - see first of all I think that when you make a lot of movies your attitude about the movies changes.
Just as the left has to be more willing to question 'Government knows best ' the right has to rethink its laissez-faire attitude toward government.