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I think an artist's responsibility is more complex than people realize.

When I think of art I think of beauty. Beauty is the mystery of life. It is not in the eye it is in the mind. In our minds there is awareness of perfection.

I think about my work every minute of the day.

My hand is the extension of the thinking process - the creative process.

I don't think there's any artist of any value who doesn't doubt what they're doing.

I've been called many names like perfectionist difficult and obsessive. I think it takes obsession takes searching for the details for any artist to be good.

Any work of architecture that has with it some discussion some polemic I think is good. It shows that people are interested people are involved.

I think architecture has to be a gift.

There is a lot of interest in the arts music theatre filmmaking engineering architecture and software design. I think we have now transitioned the modern-day version of the entrepreneur into the creative economy.

I think that narrative fiction filmmaking is the culmination of several art forms: theater art history architecture. Whereas doc filmmaking is more pure cinema like cinema verite is film in its purest form.

But I feel truly wowed by the architecture and the meaning of the architecture if you get lost in it and think about the man hours in the smallest little chapel and the love involved. God it's fantastic.

The aesthetic of architecture has to be rooted in a broader idea about human activities like walking relaxing and communicating. Architecture thinks about how these activities can be given added value.

At this present time matter is still the best way to think of architecture but I'm not so sure for very long. The computer is radicalizing the way we think about our world.

I don't find Hollywood interesting so I'm thinking of studying architecture instead.

The intellectual force of the West is still dominant but other cultures are getting stronger. I expect that we will develop a new way of thinking in architecture and urban planning and that less will be based on our models.

We think of enterprise architecture as the process we use for fully describing and mapping business functionality and business requirements and relating them to information systems requirements.

People can inhabit anything. And they can be miserable in anything and ecstatic in anything. More and more I think that architecture has nothing to do with it. Of course that's both liberating and alarming.

Italy is full of historical buildings. And Europe holds a great history of philosophy from Greece until today. I read all those books and see these buildings and I think of where I stand when I design my architecture.

If you examine this I think that you will find that it's the mechanics of Japanese architecture that have been thought of as the direct influence upon our architecture.

Liquid architecture. It's like jazz - you improvise you work together you play off each other you make something they make something. And I think it's a way of - for me it's a way of trying to understand the city and what might happen in the city.

Post-Modernism was a reaction against Modernism. It came quite early to music and literature and a little later to architecture. And I think it's still coming to computer science.

The process I go through in the art and the architecture I actually want it to be almost childlike. Sometimes I think it's magical.

Architecture doesn't come from theory. You don't think your way through a building.

I could have been an architect but I don't think I'd have been very happy. Nearly all modern architecture is a silly game as far as I can see.

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If a man achieves victory over this body who in the world can exercise power over him? He who rules himself rules over the whole world.