My stories are very somber so I think I need the comic ingredient. Besides life has so much humor.
The first ingredient in conversation is truth the next good sense the third good humor and the fourth wit.
The human body experiences a powerful gravitational pull in the direction of hope. That is why the patient's hopes are the physician's secret weapon. They are the hidden ingredients in any prescription.
The ingredients of health and long life are great temperance open air easy labor and little care.
The arts have always been an important ingredient to the health of a nation but we haven't gotten there yet.
There are three ingredients in the good life: learning earning and yearning.
I really don't know what makes a comedian. I think it's a family background and environment. Yet if you put the same ingredients in another person he may never utter a funny line.
The simpler the food the harder it is to prepare it well. You want to truly taste what it is you're eating. So that goes back to the trend of fine ingredients. It's very Japanese: Preparing good ingredients very simply without distractions from the flavor of the ingredient itself.
The thing with food is that you can give 20 people the same recipe and the same ingredients and somebody's going to make it better than somebody else and that's the creativity of it. It's like music. You could have a bunch of people playing the same piece and somebody's gonna play it better.
Italian food is all about ingredients and it's not fussy and it's not fancy.
Find combinations of flavors you love and buy the best quality ingredients you can afford. Your food is only going to be as good as the sum of its parts like anything else.
Shop often shop hard and spend for the best stuff available - logic dictates that you can make delicious food only with delicious ingredients.
Keep it simple in the kitchen. If you use quality ingredients you don't need anything fancy to make food delicious: just a knife a cutting board and some good nonstick cookware and you're set.
I'm a filmmaker who decided to go to culinary school. All I picked up was the fact if I didn't understand what was going on with every single ingredient I could be qualifying for like the lunch food job at my daughter's school.
My goal is to make Italian food clean and accessible and beautiful and tasty with simple ingredients that people can find at a local grocery store because people don't want to go to a gourmet shop in search of items that will sit in their pantry for years after they use just a teaspoon or pinch of them.
Well paycheck protection is an important ingredient for a successful campaign finance reform measure.
I think togetherness is a very important ingredient to family life.
I think it's one of the main negative emotional ingredients that fuels show business because there's so much at stake and the fear of failure looms large.
Laziness is a secret ingredient that goes into failure. But it's only kept a secret from the person who fails.
The buildings that I build very often have a dreamlike reality. I don't mean by that they have a fantasy quality at all in fact quite the reverse. They contain in some degree the ingredients that give dreams their power... stuff that's very close to us.
All the pre-made sauces in a jar and frozen and canned vegetables processed meats and cheeses which are loaded with artificial ingredients and sodium can get in the way of a healthy diet. My number one advice is to eat fresh and seasonally.
I love to cook. My dad's a really excellent cook and his style is: Look in the fridge and make whatever there is with whatever ingredients you have and I like cooking like that too.
To bathe a cat takes brute force perseverance courage of conviction - and a cat. The last ingredient is usually hardest to come by.
In fact technology has been the story of human progress from as long back as we know. In 100 years people will look back on now and say 'That was the Internet Age.' And computers will be seen as a mere ingredient to the Internet Age.
In Psalm 72 Solomon prays for power and fame but he says the purpose of influence is to speak up for others and one is the immigrant. He doesn't delineate between legal and illegal.