Search For proportion In Quotes 83

To the eyes of a miser a guinea is more beautiful than the sun and a bag worn with the use of money has more beautiful proportions than a vine filled with grapes.

Men become civilized not in proportion to their willingness to believe but in proportion to their readiness to doubt.

The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.

Men have a respect for scholarship and learning greatly out of proportion to the use they commonly serve.

Organizations endure however in proportion to the breadth of the morality by which they are governed. Thus the endurance of organization depends upon the quality of leadership and that quality derives from the breadth of the morality upon which it rests.

I have discovered in 20 years of moving around a ballpark that the knowledge of the game is usually in inverse proportion to the price of the seats.

People's intelligence tends to be in inverse proportion to their number. People don't tend to get smarter as they get into bigger groups.

I deeply adored my mum. She was an extraordinary person even for the prejudice I'm likely to have. She was beautiful amusing a tremendous elaborator of things into comic proportions and extravagant in her imagination.

This whole head of the home thing has been blown way out of proportion. Some guys just take it way too far. Some parents take it way too far. Yet children need guidance. They need a parent to help and guide them. They also need a friend. They need a confidant.

While most Americans have access to the best oral health care in the world low-income children suffer disproportionately from oral disease.

Worldly wealth is the Devil's bait and those whose minds feed upon riches recede in general from real happiness in proportion as their stores increase as the moon when she is fullest is farthest from the sun.

Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness is intended pleasure and the absence of pain.

My happiness grows in direct proportion to my acceptance and in inverse proportion to my expectations.

Unless you have prepared yourself to profit by your chance the opportunity will only make you ridiculous. A great occasion is valuable to you just in proportion as you have educated yourself to make use of it.

The great proof of madness is the disproportion of one's designs to one's means.

Smallness in a great man seems smaller by its disproportion with all the rest.

The overwhelming majority of Americans are possessed of two great qualities a sense of humor and a sense of proportion.

It may be laid down as a primary position and the basis of our system that every Citizen who enjoys the protection of a Free Government owes not only a proportion of his property but even of his personal services to the defense of it.

The increased presence of Muslims in Italy and in Europe is directly proportional to our loss of freedom.

And as I ask for your forgiveness I also ask for your support to keep all things in perspective and keep all things in proportion. The good of nine years versus the bad.

The disparity between a restaurant's price and food quality rises in direct proportion to the size of the pepper mill.

The greatest fear that haunts this city is a suitcase bomb nuclear or germ. Many people carry small gas masks. The masses here seem to be resigned to the inevitable believing an attack of major proportions will happen.

We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them.

By measuring the proportion of children living with the same parents from birth and whether their parents report a good quality relationship we are driving home the message that social programmes should promote family stability and avert breakdown.

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In the Pentagon Papers case the government asserted in the Supreme Court that the publication of the material was a threat to national security. It turned out it was not a threat to U.S. security. But even if it had been that doesn't mean that it couldn't be published.