Search For better In Quotes 1225

Leadership is a privilege to better the lives of others. It is not an opportunity to satisfy personal greed.

Leadership is unlocking people's potential to become better.

It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.

The satirist is prevented by repulsion from gaining a better knowledge of the world he is attracted to yet he is forced by attraction to concern himself with the world that repels him.

For whatever be the knowledge which we are able to obtain of God either by perception or reflection we must of necessity believe that He is by many degrees far better than what we perceive Him to be.

If you're a singer you lose your voice. A baseball player loses his arm. A writer gets more knowledge and if he's good the older he gets the better he writes.

I do believe states' rights was a sound doctrine that got hijacked by some unsavory customers for a while - like 150 years or so. I'm professionally obliged to believe that knowledge is better than ignorance but some kinds of forgetting are OK with me.

We read deeply for varied reasons most of them familiar: that we cannot know enough people profoundly enough that we need to know ourselves better that we require knowledge not just of self and others but of the way things are.

It is no good to try to stop knowledge from going forward. Ignorance is never better than knowledge.

And that's what I truly believe that we're doing when we're advancing scientific knowledge is we're someday making the world better. Not only for our children but for all people after that.

I don't know what is better than the work that is given to the actor-to teach the human heart the knowledge of itself.

More students have a better knowledge of pop culture than of the Constitution.

Human dignity is better served by embracing knowledge.

I wish I had known more firsthand about the concerns and problems of American businesspeople while I was a U.S. senator and later a presidential nominee. That knowledge would have made me a better legislator and a more worthy aspirant to the White House.

One of the interesting things about having little musical knowledge is that you generate surprising results sometimes you move to places you wouldn't if you knew better.

Ignorance is never better than knowledge.

Having knowledge but lacking the power to express it clearly is no better than never having any ideas at all.

Suppose that we are wise enough to learn and know - and yet not wise enough to control our learning and knowledge so that we use it to destroy ourselves? Even if that is so knowledge remains better than ignorance.

We have three centers: the emotional center the intellectual center and the physical body center. Each one of them has its own intelligence. How much better would we be if all three were working in unison?

The Queen's intelligence network is a hell of a lot better than anyone's in this palace. Bar none. She knows everything. I don't know how she does it. And she sees everything.

Well first of all we did lots of studies where we show practical intelligence doesn't correlate with G. We have probably two dozen studies that practical intelligence better predicts job success than IQ.

I'm much better informed than Mr. Clarke ever was about the nature of the intelligence that was available again Osama bin Laden and which was consistently denigrated by himself and Mr. Tenet.

But it is equally incontrovertible that if our intelligence gathering process is seriously flawed we had better find out and find out fast if we are to avoid another Sept. 11.

Would it not be much better to have a president who deliberately lied to the people because he thought a war was essential than to have one who was so dumb as to be taken in by intelligence agencies especially those who told him what he wanted to hear?

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My Marine experience helped shape who I am now personally and professionally and I am grateful for that on an almost daily basis.