Search For genera In Quotes 779

We need to teach the next generation of children from day one that they are responsible for their lives. Mankind's greatest gift also its greatest curse is that we have free choice. We can make our choices built from love or from fear.

The generality of men are naturally apt to be swayed by fear rather than reverence and to refrain from evil rather because of the punishment that it brings than because of its own foulness.

These days there are a lot of people who just want to be famous. I think that comes from a naive place because those people generally don't know what it's like.

It struck me that working digitally with a small crew I could lay out a general plan for Famous and hope for mistakes which would create something more than satire and something less than truthful reality.

The famous saying 'God is love' it is generally assumed means that God is like our immediate emotional indulgence not that the meaning of love ought to have something of the 'otherness' and terror of God.

There is less pressure as a character actor. It generally means that you will be acting for all of your life which is my intention. It is not my intention to just be a rich and famous person that would be pretty boring.

I don't mean being famous is a perk because one knows that it's not necessarily a perk but there are certain perks to being well-known and respected in one's field. Public perks. Like I don't know general friendliness and willingness to please just to point out two.

I think with motherhood and child-rearing in general everyone's going to tell you how to do it and why. I've always said to other mothers and women when they've asked me that you have to find your own way and find out what works for your family at all costs.

South Central is just who I am. Even though I have a nice house nice family the rest of my generation is still in South Central L.A. My cousins my brothers my sisters they don't wanna move out.

Even though I have a nice house nice family the rest of my generation is still in South Central L.A. My cousins my brothers my sisters they don't wanna move out. They don't want to and they don't have the means to sustain it. That's where my heart is and that's what I think about all the time.

The purpose of the Seder to my mind is to inspire conversations with your family about the human drama and hopefully transmit values to the next generation. I've always felt like this could be better.

Only as far as a man is happily married to himself is he fit for married life and family life in general.

My family's lineage is five generations of artists who never made it.

A family's photograph album is generally about the extended family and often is all that remains of it.

The steady expansion of welfare programs can be taken as a measure of the steady disintegration of the Negro family structure over the past generation in the United States.

One thing that was passed on from generation to generation in my family over seven generations in 200 years was never give up. That's the way we live.

Italians come to ruin most generally in three ways women gambling and farming. My family chose the slowest one.

The promise of America has always been that if you worked hard had the right values took some risks that there was an opportunity to build a better life for your family and for your next generation.

As a general thing when a woman wears the pants in a family she has a good right to them.

It's very strange that most people don't care if their knowledge of their family history only goes back three generations.

When you look around right now Nashville is kind of going through another changing of guard you're watching the Martina McBrides and the Faith Hills and all of them that have been the big stars for the last however many years and the next generation is coming in: Miranda Lambert Carrie Underwood those girls.

In light of these facts Republicans have put forth a variety of proposals to make Social Security remain solvent for future generations. But up to this point Democrats have chosen to oppose our good faith efforts and insist that indeed there is no problem.

The mere assemblage of peace loving people to interchange convincing reasons for their common faith mere exhortation and argument to the public in favor of peace in general fall short of the mark.

It's possible that the 2012 general-election race will be the least overtly religious one since 1972 the last campaign before Roe v. Wade and the rise of Jimmy Carter brought evangelicalism into the political mainstream. That's because faith remains a complicated issue for Obama who is still wrongly thought to be a Muslim in some quarters.

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Pride slays thanksgiving but a humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves.