I believe in the religion of Islam. I believe in Allah and peace.
America's state religion is patriotism a phenomenon which has convinced many of the citizenry that 'treason' is morally worse than murder or rape.
When a dog barks at the moon then it is religion but when he barks at strangers it is patriotism!
Patriotism is the religion of hell.
Unfortunately religion like patriotism is easy to misuse for political purposes.
In every society in human history including the United States those in power seek to imbue themselves with the attributes of religion and patriotism as a way of getting greater support for their policy and insulating themselves from any criticism.
Patriotism is a kind of religion it is the egg from which wars are hatched.
The only thing of weight that can be said against modern honor is that it is directly opposite to religion. The one bids you bear injuries with patience the other tells you if you don't resent them you are not fit to live.
I think you can judge from somebody's actions a kind of a stability and sense of purpose perhaps created by strong religious roots. I mean there's a certain patience a certain discipline I think that religion helps you achieve.
Nature says women are human beings men have made religions to deny it. Nature says women are human beings men cry out no!
There is no doubt that religion had already waned under the onslaught of the Enlightenment but it was Freud who provided the radically new understanding of human nature that made any religious explanation of the whats and whys of our personhood seem naive.
Human nature doesn't include all human beings. There are human beings who are indifferent to politics religion virtually anything.
We all dream. We dream vividly depending on our nature. Our existence is beyond our explanation whether we believe in God or we have religion or we're atheist.
I'm not into organized religion. I'm into believing in a higher source of creation realizing we're all just part of nature.
When I have a terrible need of - shall I say the word - religion. Then I go out and paint the stars.
There's no religion but sex and music.
Music is my religion.
My whole life has been movies and religion. That's it. Nothing else.
Movies are my religion and God is my patron. I'm lucky enough to be in the position where I don't make movies to pay for my pool. When I make a movie I want it to be everything to me like I would die for it.
You think that religion is a thing that is there to help you and to see you through life and then you wake up one morning and find the entire Irish situation the civil war that's based on religion.
Just in terms of allocation of time resources religion is not very efficient. There's a lot more I could be doing on a Sunday morning.
There is a great difference between Christianity and religion at the south. If a man goes to the communion table and pays money into the treasury of the church no matter if it be the price of blood he is called religious.
I think that what went wrong with religion is the same thing that went wrong with politics. Is that it became too money based and too controlling. It's just a weakness that we human beings have for control - we want one thing and then we want more and then we want more.
Well I think indigenous peoples have ways of living on the Earth that they've had forever. And they've been overrun by organized religion which has had a lot of money and power.