I really always expected to somebody to make me happy and I don't think you can really enter into a relationship until you are happy.
I finally did work out a very good relationship with my father but it was rough growing up. We had a lot of conflict and I think it surfaced in many of my works.
I think that Bill and Hillary Clinton have a very special relationship and I think in very many ways to them it's a very satisfying relationship. I think that it's a mutual respect with a goal of power to achieve maintain power. And I think that they have been good partners in that.
But I have tried to go over it very carefully not merely what the evidence is but with psychoanalysts and psychologists and I think we're just about all agreed that Lincoln and Speed did not have a homosexual relationship.
I think when you're trying to produce a relationship on screen that doesn't actually exist perhaps sometimes there's a temptation to look at each other more to touch each other more.
I really have always wanted to be a parent and when I hit 36 and had just ended a relationship I remember thinking how much I still wanted it. But I thought I'd adopt.
In a movie like this the relationship between the two guys is crucial. It sinks or swims on how these two guys are together. I think we did a good job.
I think there are a lot more relationship scenes in my movies that people tend to overlook. A lot of scenes really feel real and are about the characters.
First play I ever did was 'Footloose.' I played the part of Willard when I was 16. I think I wore my drama teacher's jeans and her belt - that's how small I was. I know a lot of Willard's back story from the musical that's not explored in the film. Like he's got this whole relationship with his mama and he sings this song 'Mama Says.'
I think it really makes a difference when you know the people that you're working with when you develop a relationship.
I think the most important foundation about any relationship is just being honest. You've got to. My wife and I are honest to a fault with each other and we're best friends on top of it so we're very fortunate.
I'm open-minded. I don't consider myself gay or hetero I just am. I've had experiences all over the planet but it always comes down to just me but I think at this point if I had an ongoing relationship I believe it would be with a man.
In the beginning New York and I had kind of a love-hate relationship. It seemed so abrasive compared to Europe. But the transformation here in recent years is really something. I don't think I would have seen as much change if I'd lived in any other city in the world.
I think our relationship with Epic had run its natural course and it happened to coincide with the fulfillment of our contract. We decided not to resign with them.
There are very few people that I deal with from a business side that it's just strictly a one-sided business relationship. I think that's important.
I think that the two of them have been doing this for a really long time and it is more like sport. Yes they would love to find a lasting relationship but it's not likely to happen the way they are going about it.
I think all television has to be about relationships and I don't think horror for the sake of it can work unless you're able to ground it in some kind of relationship.
But it's much more exciting to make Die Hard. One of the reasons that I think that movie is so successful is it deals with those very important blue-collar relationship themes. But it's more visually beautiful to show things blowing up. It just gives you more on the screen.
It's grown into a personal relationship yeah. I'm crazy about Jerry. I think he's a unique character.
Quentin and I were constantly finding something new that we had in common and comic books were one of them. I think we were talking about comic books much earlier in our relationship before I had the part.
Having had that experience... I think what modern culture wants to see is the relationship with the woman. I don't think you can tell a story on film nowadays where the woman simply is there for the man when he decides to settle down.
I think a primal role of a man in a relationship is to protect his woman.
Well I don't know if this is true of everyone but I have this relationship with my parents where despite however mature or articulate or grown-up I think I've become as soon as I go home I turn into this petulant 13-year-old especially with the tone of my voice.
I was actually a bit disappointed about the amount of sex in the show. I think Backus should get out a bit more get a relationship perhaps make her a lesbian.
100 million iphones don't lie. What an amazing man. He is the apple of all of our i's. We have an i everything and its all so amazing.