Search For society In Quotes 1122

I belong to the generation of workers who born in the villages and hamlets of rural Poland had the opportunity to acquire education and find employment in industry becoming in the course conscious of their rights and importance in society.

Just like my father I've always loved education. In school I was a member of the honor society.

The paradox of education is precisely this that as one begins to become conscious one begins to examine the society in which he is being educated.

If the education and studies of children were suited to their inclinations and capacities many would be made useful members of society that otherwise would make no figure in it.

The regeneration of society is the regeneration of society by individual education.

The internet could be a very positive step towards education organisation and participation in a meaningful society.

Until we get equality in education we won't have an equal society.

The paradox of education is precisely this - that as one begins to become conscious one begins to examine the society in which he is being educated.

Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress in every society in every family.

Men and women must be educated in a great degree by the opinions and manners of the society they live in.

Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.

A liberal education is at the heart of a civil society and at the heart of a liberal education is the act of teaching.

I think basically becoming famous has taken the place of going to Heaven in modern society hasn't it? That's the place where your dreams will come true. It's an act of faith now they think that's going to sort things out.

Those born into poverty or on the margins of society require our extra support to realize their dreams.

In our increasingly secular society with so many disparate gods and different faiths superhero films present a unique canvas upon which our shared hopes dreams and apocalyptic nightmares can be projected and played out.

Rude contact with facts chased my visions and dreams quickly away and in their stead I beheld the horrors the corruption the evils and hypocrisy of society and as I stood among them a young wife a great wail of agony went out from my soul.

Dreams can become a reality when we possess a vision that is characterized by the willingness to work hard a desire for excellence and a belief in our right and our responsiblity to be equal members of society.

Our society's strong emphasis on dieting and self-image can sometimes lead to eating disorders. We know that more than 5 million Americans suffer from eating disorders most of them young women.

Through all aspects of society be it art design the financial markets government technology or communications we are witnessing unprecedented global transformation - the result of which is impossible to predict.

I am persuaded that if any attempt is made to improve the education of the poor and such an unmanly spirit should guide the resolution of a society or committee for that purpose it would render the design abortive.

Ultimately we may still ask why can't humans design a perfect society?

Our guiding principle was that design is neither an intellectual nor a material affair but simply an integral part of the stuff of life necessary for everyone in a civilized society.

Bulls can do nothing to demand justice. They can only defend themselves as best they can in a fight with a pre-determined ending and die never knowing why they were forced to endure such a painful and prolonged death. It's up to us as a civilized society to call for an end to the Running of the Bulls and bullfighting.

I was taught to confront things you can't avoid. Death is one of those things. To live in a society where you're trying not to look at it is stupid because looking at death throws us back into life with more vigour and energy. The fact that flowers don't last for ever makes them beautiful.

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I have too much respect for the idea of God to make it responsible for such an absurd world.